Let Truth Speak — Gospel

Joy for The Redeemed in Christ! 20 Joys That Come From Being Justified By Faith

Joy for The Redeemed in Christ! 20 Joys That Come From Being Justified By Faith

For by grace you have been saved  Read the article

My Savior is Greater Than My Past by Garion Jackson

My Savior is Greater Than My Past by Garion Jackson

"But I remember...greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world! Greater is the work of the cross than the futility, vanity and consequences of my sins!"



“Forgiveness now becomes part of my identity. This is strength, not weakness! I can boldly declare to a world that there is a God who forgives sinners like me. My life and actions now become the message of forgiveness and redemption.”

Matt Lyons 

KEEP IT REAL by Edith Moyana

KEEP IT REAL by Edith Moyana

I no longer need to view humility; humbling myself before God, my husband, my children and others, as a weakness. Rather, I can "keep it real" and rejoice in the realness that Jesus' perfect atoning sacrifice affords me.

I Got It Bruh

I Got It Bruh

I remember meeting one of my family members for dinner a while back. Our meeting came after a two week long period of tension, so when we met it was kind of awkward. We had surface talk for the majority of the night and neither one of us knew how to break the ice to get to the main issue. Honestly, I wanted to talk more, but at the same time, I didn’t want to stir the pot. We truly had an issue.

I had to be patient in this time of conflict, which was hard. I...