Let Truth Speak — Gospel

Praying In The Name Of Jesus

Praying In The Name Of Jesus

Many of us who have been walking with the Lord have used the words “In Jesus name,” or “In the name of Jesus” when ending our prayers. Some of us even make declarations, and at the end of our statements we say the same thing, "In Jesus name," or "In the name of Jesus." Why do we end our prayers or statements this way? Are these special words we have to use to be sure our prayers are answered by the Father? Maybe there's something more glorious and hopeful when it comes to praying in Jesus’ name. Text like John 14:14 tell...

The Testimony of God's Grace in the Life of Ryan Porter

The Testimony of God's Grace in the Life of Ryan Porter

Ryan Porter expounds on the power of God in salvation that personally changed his life forever.

Does God Reject His Word When He Saves Sinners?

Does God Reject His Word When He Saves Sinners?

Proverbs 17:15 says, “He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous are both alike an abomination to the LORD.” So according to Proverbs 17:15, to justify the wicked and to condemn the righteous is in itself wrong, but isn’t that what God does when He saves sinners and condemns Jesus in the sinner's place on the cross? Yes. So is God rejecting His Word? By no means.

God justifies the wicked by condemning sin through and by the righteous One, Jesus...