The Gospel
Here at Let Truth Speak we believe that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is true and eternally Good. We believe that the Good News is the only news and power that can and does save image bearers of God (humans). We believe that God is the creator of all things and He is the beginning and the end of all things; He is self-existent.
We believe that God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) did not create because they were bored, but creation was an overflow of love for their glory, God’s glory. We believe that God created man (man and woman) in His own image to enjoy Him and reveal His glory by ultimately being satisfied in Him.
We believe that man and woman deliberately disobeyed God by turning from His loving command and counsel and willfully turning to themselves for identity and purpose. We believe that because of man’s willful disobedience in eating of the fruit that God told them not to eat, we believe that man was then spiritually separated from God to no longer have pure fellowship with Him, but instead were cursed and warped to be lawless souls.
We believe that this condition has been passed on to every image-bearer of God, thus death is relevant. We believe that no one is able to make him or herself righteous to stand before God guiltless after death, and we believe that God’s holy and good law shows us God’s holiness and character, our inconsistencies, and our need for a Savior.
We believe that in God’s Love He sent His Son Jesus who is human like us and who is fully God. We believe that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin. We believe that Jesus lived a perfect life in our place and we believe that He always pleased the Father every second of His life. We believe that Jesus fulfilled the law and revealed the heart of the law. We believe that at the end of Jesus’ life He laid down His life to be a sacrifice for all who would turn and trust in Him.
Someone had to pay for our sin and that someone had to be perfect and He had to be God Himself. Without Jesus we would have to look for someone who is absolutely perfect according to the law, and without Jesus we would need to find another “god” to help us satisfy God’s wrath on our behalf. Being that the God of the Bible is the true and living God, we need His Person (Jesus) and His way for salvation, the cross.
We believe that at the cross of Christ the wrath of God was satisfied. We believe that the Father crushed Jesus because of our sin. We believe that God’s justice was satisfied because of the perfect life of Jesus and His official death for sin. We believe that Jesus actually died and was put in a tomb for three days.
We believe that after those three days He victoriously rose from the grave to never ever die again. We believe that He revealed Himself in bodily form to His people before ascending back to heaven to be at the right hand of the Father. We believe that He sent and sends His promised Spirit to His people because of the gospel, to be empowered and kept by the gospel, and to proclaim the gospel.
We believe that all who repent and believe will be saved and sealed. We believe that professing believers should be baptized and plugged into a body of believers (the body of Christ). We believe that a person is saved because of God’s grace and kept by living by faith which is a gift from God. We believe that believers have died with Christ and have been risen with Christ. We believe that believers actually have the righteousness of Christ and have been adopted by God to be children of God and joint heirs with Christ.
We believe that Jesus will return for His people and He will return to judge all who have not repented and believed in His person and work. We believe that all who are not in Him will receive eternal wrath because they are not covered by the death of Christ in order to be forgiven and they do not have the righteousness of Christ for their justification.
We believe that all who are in Him will be glorified like Him and will be with God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) for eternity... free from the power and presence of sin. We believe that this Good News must be celebrated and communicated for the glory of God, the joy of His people, and the salvation of the lost image-bearer(s) of God. We believe that the Gospel is truly Good News!
"For God has done what the law, weakened by the flesh, could not do. By sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, He condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit."
Romans 8:3, 4