True Freedom

It is truly amazing to experience true freedom. A few months ago, I was able to speak with a group of students. I asked the group to give me their definition of freedom. To summarize, most people equated freedom with being able to do what they wanted to do. I would like to include my own definition: Freedom is the ability to do what you want without facing eternal consequences.

In the book of Galatians, the Apostle Paul is writing to multiple churches to warn them not to accept circumcision as a form of righteousness. He was shocked and heartbroken that these Christians were so quickly forsaking true freedom and returning to bondage. When it comes to the pursuit of freedom, if we're not careful, we can fall into two categories: pursuing freedom by trying to obtain a righteousness of our own or by seeking freedom in a life of sin.

Both forms of "freedom" will only produce eternal consequences. Since God's law is holy and good, and we are not, due to our sin nature. We will be condemned if we try to be made righteous by the law. A lifestyle of sin is not true freedom, because the wages of sin is death, according to God's Word (Ephesians 6:23). To be truly free, we need someone to keep the whole law for us and receive the penalty for our sin.

We would also need that person to defeat death once and for all. Praise God, through Jesus Christ we have the one who lived, died, was buried, and was raised to save sinners. By receiving Jesus' righteousness, we can truly be free because of God's love and His gift of faith to find satisfaction in Jesus alone. Now, everything that would separate us from God has been taken care of, and all who turn and trust in Jesus are truly free to live with purpose!

This resurrected and forgiven life in Jesus is a freedom with no eternal consequence: True freedom. If you have been made alive in Christ, I encourage you to maximize the freedom that is yours in Christ Jesus. Forgive others, enjoy God in everything you do, use your gifts and time to the glory of God, and continue to live a lifestyle of worship to the one who has set you free!

"For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm, therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery." Galatians 5:1"

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