Let Truth Speak — Hope

Keep Going!

Keep Going!

For many of us, there are life events that are so vivid, they appear in our minds as if they happened less than 24 hours ago. For me, it was a mild fall day and my youngest niece attempted to swallow a peppermint, and it got stuck in her throat, causing her to stop breathing. I was outside when I heard my sister-in-law scream. I ran inside to find my sister-in-law on the phone with 911 and my niece on the floor gasping for air with tears in her eyes, reaching out as if she could grasp the air. I...

Reigning Grace

Reigning Grace

So that, as sin reigned in death, grace also might reign through righteousness leading to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Romans‬ ‭5‬:‭21‬

Being in Christ changes everything. It changes who we worship and it changes who we are. God's grace is not merely a get out of jail free card; His grace reigns. God's grace conquers souls who are, or who were, under the reigning power of sin. When grace captures a person it sets them on a forever path of...



“Forgiveness now becomes part of my identity. This is strength, not weakness! I can boldly declare to a world that there is a God who forgives sinners like me. My life and actions now become the message of forgiveness and redemption.”

Matt Lyons 

KEEP IT REAL by Edith Moyana

KEEP IT REAL by Edith Moyana

I no longer need to view humility; humbling myself before God, my husband, my children and others, as a weakness. Rather, I can "keep it real" and rejoice in the realness that Jesus' perfect atoning sacrifice affords me.