Let Truth Speak — Love

Loved Some More

Loved Some More

If you are in Christ, do you sometimes forget the foundational truths of God's love for you? Do you sometimes feel that God loved you once you acknowledged your need for Him and now you have to strive to get that love back?

For every person in Christ, God has set His love on us in Christ before the foundation of the world. Sometimes in our walk we may feel like God's love is distant, but in actuality, for all who are in Christ, God is loving us with the same love that He has had for...

KEEP IT REAL by Edith Moyana

KEEP IT REAL by Edith Moyana

I no longer need to view humility; humbling myself before God, my husband, my children and others, as a weakness. Rather, I can "keep it real" and rejoice in the realness that Jesus' perfect atoning sacrifice affords me.