Does God Reject His Word When He Saves Sinners?

Does God Reject His Word When He Saves Sinners?

Proverbs 17:15 says, “He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous are both alike an abomination to the LORD.” So according to Proverbs 17:15, to justify the wicked and to condemn the righteous is in itself wrong, but isn’t that what God does when He saves sinners and condemns Jesus in the sinner's place on the cross? Yes. So is God rejecting His Word? By no means.

God justifies the wicked by condemning sin through and by the righteous One, Jesus Christ. The righteous One (Jesus) is condemned in our place because of God's love for His people. He takes our sin and our punishment and extinguishes it. Through and by His righteousness the wicked who turn and trust in Him are made righteous through His death, burial, and resurrection.

So no, God does not reject Proverbs 17:15. The wicked are justified not through or by their wickedness, but through the righteousness of Christ. Likewise, the righteous (Jesus) is not condemned because of His righteousness, but He is condemned in our place because of our wickedness.

He’s the true Savior: Fully God and truly Man. Through Him we are given His righteousness that God imputes to us to justify us and keep us. God’s Word is not broken and His heart is consistent with the uplifting of His glory and the joy of His people. Let us turn and trust in Christ to be saved. Amen. 

For our sake He made Him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God (2 Corinthians 5:21).

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