Be Strong in the Lord

Be Strong in the Lord

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might.” Ephesians 6:10

Many of us are familiar with the passage in Ephesians chapter 6 that refers to spiritual warfare and the armor of God. It is a wonderful passage for the believer to ensure they put on the full armor of God because we face a vicious enemy. But before we put on the armor and fight as we're called to, we're first called to be strong in the Lord. The strength we get from God is a gospel strength—a real-life gospel circulating, gospel feasting, gospel empowering strength. It’s strength from God Himself! Isn’t that amazing?

God's might directs us to the resurrecting power we have in Christ. God's might points us to the gospel!

For the Christian, being strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might means experiencing His consistent goodness towards us because of our position in Christ and His love for us in the gospel.

Think about this: according to Romans chapter 5, He saved us while we were weak; we brought no strength to the table. This shows that in salvation, and as we continue to walk in the Lord, we must rely on His strength, especially in the face of spiritual warfare. True faith acknowledges our own weakness but then turns to the all-satisfying and powerful One who is truly strong for every circumstance.

Embrace this gospel strength. It's not just a lofty idea; it's real-life power from God, circulating through every aspect of our lives, empowering us to stand firm and fight the good fight. So, let us daily glorify Him by seeking Him and relying on His strength.

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